Technical Skill Summary Sheet (Feb 9, 2001)
Application Development Platforms
    Microsoft .NET (Visual Studio .NET, mainly C#)

Programming Languages
    C, C++, Cobol, Delphi, Java, Pascal, Perl, TCL/Tk, Shell (sh,ksh,bash), 
    Visual Basic, 80x86 Assembly, Ruby, C#

Operating Systems
    UNIX (Solaris (6/7/8), SunOS, FreeBSD), Linux, MS Windows (95/98/ME/2K/NT/XP)
    Novell 3.12

Hardware Specific OS
    Ascend TAOS (5-7), Cisco IOS(10.2-12.0)

Networking Specific Skills
    IP Routing: BGP4, EIGRP, OSPF, RIP
    IPv4 Addressing and Subnetting, NAT, Microsoft VPN
    Ethernet cabling and switching
    LAN Switches (and VLAN): Cisco Catalyst (29xx-65xx), Extreme 
    Wireless LAN
    Wide area networking (ATM, Frame Relay, Point-to-Point, ISDN, Dial on Demand)
    Surveilance: Big Brother, NetSaint, Netcool, HP Openview
    Remote Management: HP Openview, NavisAccess, USR TCM

Office Software
    Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint (95/97/2K), Visio (5 and 2K)

    HTML, CGI, VBScript, JavaScript, VRML
    X-Windows (XFree86 through v4.02), X Windowing API, GNOME, TKE
    ISC BIND 4.9-9.2.2, Sendmail 8.8 - 8.12.9, InterMail-KX 4.3,
    Postfix 2.0.6, Qmail 1.3, PostgreSQL 7.2 - 7.3.2, MySQL
    Veritas NetBackup, Remedy ARS, OpenLDAP, Netscape Direcory Server